Where is Select’s headquarters?

Our corporate headquarters are located at:
Select Water Solutions
1233 West Loop South
Suite 1400
Houston, TX 77027

When was Select Water Solutions founded?

Select Water Solutions was founded in 2008.

Where is Select Water Solutions incorporated?

We are incorporated in Delaware.

When did Select Water Solutions become a public company?

Select Water Solutions completed its initial public offering on April 26th, 2017.

What stock exchange is Select Water Solutions traded on and under what symbol?

Select Water Solutions is traded on the NYSE under the symbol WTTR.

Does Select Water Solutions have a direct stock purchase plan?

We do not offer a direct stock purchase plan. To purchase shares of WTTR stock, you must contact a licensed broker.

How can I purchase Select Water Solutions stock?

Shares of WTTR stock can be purchased through a licensed broker.

Does Select Water Solutions pay a dividend?

A quarterly cash dividend of $0.06 per share of Class A common stock, to be paid on August 16, 2024, to holders of record as of the close of business on August 5, 2024.

What is Select Water Solutions CUSIP number?

Our CUSIP is 81617J 301.

When is Select Water Solutions fiscal year end?

Our fiscal year ends on December 31st.

Who is Select Water Solutions independent registered public accounting firm?

Grant Thornton LLP is our independent registered public accounting firm.

Who is Select Water Solutions transfer agent? Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?

Our transfer agent is Broadridge Financial Solutions and you may contact them at:
Broadridge Financial Solutions
P.O. Box 1342
Brentwood, NY 11717

Where can I find Select Water Solutions’ filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission?

You can find Select Water Solutions SEC filings by visiting www.sec.gov.

How do I get added to Select Water Solutions’ corporate email distribution list?

Please visit the Email Alerts section of our website.

How can I contact Investor Relations?

Write to us:
Select Water Solutions
1233 West Loop South
Suite 1400
Houston, TX 77027

Email: investorrelations@selectenergyservices.com